More All, Living 17.05.23 “Is that your second slice of cake? I think you’re right you do have a problem. I’ve noticed your portions are bigger than an
I started from the pain All, Living 10.05.23 body lying soundlessly asleep time ticks forwards I started from the pain Halloween of 2012 no going backward I started from the pain kiss
Scrolling All, Living 03.05.23 It’s 10.44PM. I am sitting in my bed propped up for a good night’s sleep when I reach for the phone and immediately open
Numb All, Living 26.04.23 Close your eyes. Feel into your body. Where do you feel it? Does it feel small and powerful or big and insubstantial? Is it
Untamed All, Books, Memoir/(Auto)biography 19.04.23 I remember the first time I read “Untamed”, I was on the flight back from New York to Cairo and hadn’t slept in more
Traffic All, Doing 19.04.23 It’s another dreary Cairene day and I am once again sitting in the backseat of a car trying to get from my doctor’s appointment