Louise Hay or You Can Heal Your Life All, Living 05.10.23 “My willingness to forgive begins my healing process. I allow the love from my own heart to wash through me cleansing and healing every
Concerts All, Living 20.09.23 It’s 12.30AM. I’m casually browsing Instagram before going to bed, when I stumble across the news I’ve been waiting months, if not years, to
Feelings All, Living 12.09.23 Where do you feel it? She asks as I grip pillow tight look for visceral cues inside body that is hiding. My somatic experience
Alone All, Living 07.09.23 Every Friday my brother has what he calls a “Sommaa day”. Depending on his mood this usually involves him sitting on his bed watching
Publishing All, Doing 30.08.23 We all have that thing we’re geared towards or working towards. For some it’s a promotion, for some it’s a kid’s independence, for me
Phone Calls All, Living 23.08.23 For the past many weeks I have been playing phone tag with one of my best friends. She’ll call me, I’ll miss her call