Time All, Dying 20.07.22 The passage of time is something I think about a lot. How much time has to pass until you move on. How much time
Sahel All, Living 06.07.22 If you live with us on this planet you’ve probably already been warned about the Sahel road this summer. You’ve probably watched those various
Berlin All, Living 22.06.22 I’m walking round museum island trying to find the road that leads to the ubahn. It’s an expansive street with ubran graffiti and many
The Haunting All, Loving 08.06.22 I’ve always marveled at the term “ghosting”. It’s such a funny and image-conjuring word to describe a really unpleasant and largely silent process of
Girl Crush All, Living 25.05.22 X: You know how people who are bi or homosexual or whatever say that they just love people for themselves. I think I’m experiencing
Dreams All, Loving 11.05.22 My dreams are always so lifelike I wake up lost in a world I’m convinced is mine. The guy I met and went on