Money All, Doing 02.11.22 I looked at my bank account becoming very conscious of the two digit number staring back at me.This was a first. Never before in
Gilmore Girls All, Living 26.10.22 For the last couple of weeks I’ve been rewatching Gilmore Girls. This is probably the 100th time I have rewatched it and counting. I’m
Being Seen All, Doing 19.10.22 There is a moment for every writer that traverses all there was before. When all of our efforts and crafted sentences finally pay off
Aging in your 30s All, Dying 12.10.22 I did a double take at the photo registering my slightly chubby cheeks and flawless skin. I tripped out. This couldn’t be me. How
Quiet/Silence All, Doing 05.10.22 Today is one of those days where I have nothing new to say. All of my ideas have run dry and my brain is
Waves All, Living 28.09.22 When a wave comes we’re taught to either go under it or over it: dive headfirst or wait until the perfect moment to jump.