Gilmore Girls All, Living 26.10.22 For the last couple of weeks I’ve been rewatching Gilmore Girls. This is probably the 100th time I have rewatched it and counting. I’m
Being Seen All, Doing 19.10.22 There is a moment for every writer that traverses all there was before. When all of our efforts and crafted sentences finally pay off
Aging in your 30s All, Dying 12.10.22 I did a double take at the photo registering my slightly chubby cheeks and flawless skin. I tripped out. This couldn’t be me. How
Quiet/Silence All, Doing 05.10.22 Today is one of those days where I have nothing new to say. All of my ideas have run dry and my brain is
Waves All, Living 28.09.22 When a wave comes we’re taught to either go under it or over it: dive headfirst or wait until the perfect moment to jump.
Kaffeekultur All, Doing 21.09.22 Lately I’ve been on the café grind once again. My usual day consists of googling cafes and then taking my laptop with me to